Browsing by Author Schooley, Robert T.

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Coinfection of HIV-1 with schistosoma spp. and with intestinal parasites in patients attending Boane health center, Maputo province, MozambiqueBanze, Lucas; Madureira, Ana Carina; Zacarias, Borges Cerveja; Nhacupe, Noémia; Mascaro-Lazcano, Carmen; Benson, Constance A.; Schooley, Robert T.; Noormahomed, Emilia
2021Design and implementation of postgraduate programs in health in a resource-limited setting in Mozambique (The Lúrio University)Noormahomed, Emília; Mandane, Amélia; Cuambe, Agnesse; Rodrigues, Maria Alexandra; Noormahomed, Sérgio; Carrilho, Carla; Mocumbi, Ana O.; Ali, Momade; Vintuar, Pompilio; Ismail, Mamudo; Guilundo, Carvalho; Bickler, Stephen; Benson, Constance A.; Ferrão, Jorge Luis; Schooley, Robert T.
2023-05Microbiological assessment reveals that Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter infections are widespread in HIV infected and uninfected patients with diarrhea in MozambiqueHlashwayo, Delfina Fernandes; Noormahomed, Emilia Virgınia; Bahule, Leonilde; Benson, Constance A.; Schooley, Robert T.; Sigaúque, Betuel; Barrett, Kim E.; Bila, Custódio Gabriel
2013Strengthening research capacity through the medical education partnership initiative: the Mozambique experienceNoormahomed, Emilia; Mocumbi, Ana O.; Prezios, Michael; Damasceno, Albertino; Bickler, Stephen; Smith, David M.; Funzamo, Carlos; Aronoff-Spencer, Eliah; Badaró, Roberto; Mabila, Francisco; Bila, David; Nguenha, Alcido; Rosário, Virgilio do; Benson, Constance A.; Schooley, Robert T.; Patel, Sam; Ferrão, Luis Jorge; Carrilho, Carla
2013Strengthening research capacity through the medical education partnership initiative: the Mozambique experienceNoormahomed, Emília; Mocumbi, Ana O.; Prezios, Michael; Damasceno, Albertino; Bickler, Stephen; Smith, David M.; Funzamo, Carlos; Aronoff-Spencer, Eliah; Badaró, Roberto; Mabila, Francisco; Bila, David; Nguenha, Alcido; Rosário, Virgilio do; Benson, Constance A.; Schooley, Robert T.; Patel, Sam; Ferrão, Luis Jorge; Carrilho, Carla
2023Susceptibility antibiotic screening reveals high rates of multidrug resistance of Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter in HIV infected and uninfected patients from MozambiqueHlashwayo, Delfina F.; Noormahomed, Emília V.; Bahule, Leonilde; Benson, Constance A.; Schooley, Robert T.; Sigaúque, Betuel; Barrett, Kim E.; Bila, Custódio G.