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Title: Dinâmicas de transformação urbana na região de Maputo (Boane, Moamba e Namaacha). Análise do risco de inundações geradas pela impermeabilização de solos: caso de estudo, bairro Fiche - Município da vila de Boane
Authors: Lage, Luís E. da S.
João, Roberto André
Keywords: Expansão urbana
Impermeabilização do solo
Sistema de drenagem
Inundações urbanas
Soil waterproofing
Urban sprawl
Urban floods
Drainage system
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2023
Publisher: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Abstract: Mozambique in general and the Maputo Region in particular, due to its geographic location, has suffered in recent years, strong impacts of climate change, with the regular occurrence of cyclones that devastate mainly coastal regions. With the increase in the urbanization process as a result of population growth, there is a trend towards greater soil sealing. The levels of precipitation, which occur in the Maputo Region, bring with them some consequences, such as the increase in surface runoff speeds, dragging with them soil and solid waste accumulated due to poor sanitation, changes in the existing drainage system, reducing the times of flood peaks, amplifying them, and reducing groundwater recharge (CARLOS TUCCI, 2004). Urban drainage systems usually exist in central areas, however, they are in precarious conditions due to lack of regular maintenance, which makes them inefficient, since in many cases, the removal of garbage is enough for the water to flow naturally through the gutters. However, these systems do not exist in the Urban Areas of Illegal Genesis - AUGI - (BORGES et all, 2007) more subject by natural condition to flooding and if the AUGI's are in low areas, they receive the entire volume of water and cannot drain it. out, thus sometimes causing flooding in previously planned areas. It is evident that in the field of drainage, the problems are aggravated due to the disorderly urban expansion, because in the reality of the countries of the global south, most of these settlements lack prior planning and their implementation, when planned, is carried out with few financial and human resources, interfering with the quality of the available infrastructure. In this context, this research aims to evaluate, through a case study (Bairro Fiche in the Municipality of Vila de Boane, in the Maputo Region), to what extent the waterproofing of soils generated by the construction of buildings makes the settlements exposed to risk of floods. For this purpose, in order to answer the main questions, an exploratory research was developed with apprehension of the elements that guide the issue of floods in general, through the review of bibliography, observation, interviews and analysis of examples for better understanding
Appears in Collections:Dissertações de Mestrado - FAPF

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