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Title: Diagnóstico agrícola do município de Inhambane em Moçambique: possibilidades para o desenvolvimento da agroecologia
Other Titles: Agricultural diagnosis of Inhambane municipality in Mozambique: possibilities to agroecology development
Authors: Azevedo, Helsio Amiro Motany de Albuquerque
Campos, Mariana Pontes
Keywords: Agricultura
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universidade Estadual de Goias
Abstract: This article is the result of a project that is being developed between the Federal University of Goiás - Institute for Environmental and Social Studies and EduardoMondlane University - School of Hospitality and Tourism of Inhambane. The proposition of this project is contribute to the "construction of participatory methodologies that address issues and cultural particularities, social environmental and economic" enabling diagnosis and proponents of scientific and technological advances and solutions" in the local development of Inhambane municipality and Brazilian Cerrado regions. The main objective of this article is through a diagnosis of the current agricultural production, verify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that enable or inhibit the development of agroecology in this tourist city. The search of experiences developed in cabinet and in the field, in the city of Inhambane, confirms the great potential with regard to the organization of agro-ecological production chain and its relation to supply the local market and the tourist market. The study identifies also rupture scenarios in the integration of products on local markets and tourist establishments. This relationship, to change the rupture, can be effective, especially through the supply of locally produced products to tourist accommodation enterprises and other public facilities such as school residences, prisons, day care, etc., promoting greater sustainability to the agricultural sectors and tourism in the county.
Appears in Collections:Artigos Publicados em Revistas Cientificas - ESHTI

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